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After each successful transaction users are able to post a feedback to the other party of the transaction and leave a rating. This feature is exactly the same for both sellers and buyers and they are able to:
Please always make sure all information you provide when leaving feedback and rating transaction is accurate. Any change to already posted feedback requires the other party approval, and direct moderation by Odealo administrator.
Feedback that violates provisions of Odealo Terms of Service might be deleted, and in rare occasions also the user's account might be suspended.
Leaving and getting positive feedback is one of the ways to earn experience points and badges.
What should I do if i made a mistake while posting feedback and rating a transaction?
Please contact the Odealo administrator, although we can't promise we will be able to moderate every feedback -- this is done only under specific circumstances indicated in Terms of Service.
I received negative feedback with comment that wasn't related at all to how the transaction went, what can I do?
In such rare cases please contact the Odealo administrator. We will try to verify if the feedback and the rating was posted in accordance to the factual status of the transaction or was intentionally altered to discredit you as a trader. We will be able to take actions according to the results of our investigation.