⭐Lost Ark / NA East - (1u = 1000 Coins) / Auction House delivery
US East - Ladon
US East - Una
US East - Karta
US East - Azena
US East - Avesta
US East - Kharmine
US East - Galatur
US East - Regulus
US East - Danube
US East - Sasha
US East - Elzowin
US East - Zosma
US East - Adrinne
US East - Vykas
US East - Aldebaran
Delivery method :
Auction House
NOTE: In Lost Ark, every transaction will be charged 5% by system ( Mail/ Face to face trade / Auction House ) - WE DO NOT COVER THIS FEE
For example
We sent you 5000g by mail, you will received only 4750g